Yoga Live Online

Next class: Wednesday September 18 2024 at 11:30-13:00 (CEST) on Zoom

Join me for live streamed donation based yoga classes on Zoom!

Please bring a yoga mat. 2 blankets, 2 blocks, 1 bolster, 1 strap & 1 eye pillow can be helpful for support, but is not required. 

These classes are open for everyone & all levels. You are welcome to join exactly as you are regardless of previous experience of yoga. Please read the key principles of class below before participating. 

To make my teachings accessible to all my online classes are donation based, meaning you contribute if & what you can. If you feel moved to do so, you may donate any amount scanning the QR-code or clicking the donate button below.

I teach on a regular basis. You will find date, time & registration link for next class on my webpage & in my newsletter. If you are not yet on my mailing list you are welcome to sign up here.

Classes are taught in English unless all participants are Swedish speaking.

I look forward to seeing you in class!


Key principles of class:

The class is dynamic yet slow paced. It holds plenty of time for meditation, breathing exercises & rest but also physically & mentally challenging parts.

The class is an invitation for you to join me in a practice that I guide you through, but you are your own best teacher. Listen to the cues you receive from your body, mind & breath in each moment & honour these. Let them guide you through your practice & follow your intuition, making this practice your own. Accept your boundaries. Let go of perfectionism. Pause & rest as often as you would like. There is no goal to achieve, no right or wrong. This is an opportunity for you to explore what is present & to practice resting into your present moment experience with compassion & without judgment. Allow your practice to nourish your body, mind & soul. My hope is for you to leave class feeling more grounded, peaceful, present, grateful & connected. 

My teachings build upon what I have learnt in my yoga teacher trainings & Biology of Trauma® trainings, in my profession as a yoga teacher, through my passion for yoga, personal development & holistic health, through my interest in neuropsychiatry & through my own lived experience. My intuition & creativity is always present, as well as my warmth & open heart.
